Thursday, July 17, 2008

Final Four - Vote Now!

The Sun Cleaners Album Tournament Final Four is set:

U2 - Joshua Tree (1 seed)
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited (1)
Paul Simon - Graceland (2)
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue (2)

This is the last round of voting. We are adopting a new method for the Final Four.

You can vote here!

Here is the revised bracket [pdf]

Here are some comments from participants during the Elite Eight...

"I guess Nas was right...hip hop is dead"

"Why can't we just get along. Everyone's a winner. Will this make the cover of a famous national magazine?"

"Am I one of the two girls who still like Pink Floyd? Or is this all because only 2 girls voted in the first place :)?"

"let's just give this to ok computer and be done with it." Sun Cleaners Staff were surprised by the Paul Simon "upset" of Radiohead

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