Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Envelope Please...

The winner of the 29th annual Sun Cleaners Album Tournament is...

Paul Simon, Graceland (1986)

We had our money on the other strange little man's band (Radiohead, Ok Computer), but Paul Simon (sans Garfunkel of course) cruised past Elvis Costello and Sublime in the first two rounds.

In the Sweet Sixteen, Graceland faced up against Talking Heads, Remain in Light in a moderately close match-up. One participant curiously voted for Talking Heads but noted, “I'd probably rather listen to Graceland.” That seemed to be the general consensus of the entire Tournament “population.”

In the Elite Eight, Graceland squeaked out a victory over pre-tourney favorite Ok Computer. It is the stated policy of Sun Cleaners staff not to question the quasi-consensus, but needless to say, we were surprised. Perhaps "Fitter Happier" had something to do with the upset.

In the abbreviated Final Four, general animosity for U2 (actually Bono - no one seemed to mention hatred for other members of the band) and apathy over Highway 61 Revisited contributed to Graceland's triumphant rise above Kind of Blue.

Please check back soon for a list of honorable mention albums, information on the prize and future tournaments. A Sun Cleaners leadership, planning and strategic work-flow dynamics sub-committee (referred to herein as “The Committee”) will be formed soon to lead, plan and define strategies and work-flows for future tournaments... potential topics might include favorite films (all films or genre specific), episodes of the Cosby Show, or LPGA golfers (our money is on Dottie Pepper). The Committee will most likely be meeting at a pub, we hope you can join us for a future meeting (times and dates TBD).

We'll leave you with this...

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